
Treblinka tickets and tours


Erlebnisse in Treblinka

4/5 (1)

Treblinka, located in what is now the Masovian Voivodeship, was an extermination camp built and operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II. The camp was active between 23 July 1942 and 19 October 1943 as part of Operation Reinhard, the deadliest phase of the Final Solution. In this period, between 700,000 and 900,000 Jews were killed in its gas chambers, along with 2,000 Romani people.

Managed by the German SS with assistance from Trawniki guards it consisted of two separate units. Treblinka I was a forced-labor camp whose prisoners worked in the gravel pit or irrigation area and in the forest, where they cut wood to fuel the cremation pits. The second camp, Treblinka II, was an extermination camp where prisoners were killed with gas. The camp was dismantled in late 1943.

Nowadays, you can the site of the former Nazi extermination camp built during WWII. The location has been converted into a powerful memorial operated by the Treblinka Museum. Travel across 4km from Treblinka I and II ending at the memorial to commemorate the lives that were lost here.

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Bewertungen Treblinka

Sofia, 06. Okt. 2021