Musée National Marc Chagall

Cosa fare a Musée National Marc Chagall


Cosa fare a Musée National Marc Chagall

4,8/5 (2)

The Musée Marc Chagall is a French museum in Nice, built in cooperation with the artist Marc Chagall himself who donated his cycle of Biblical paintings to the country on the one condition that a museum be built in Nice to hold them.

It was built in 1973 with the support of André Malraux that was Miniser of Culture at the time and Chagall was greatly involved in its planning and construction, from having last say in the planning of the garden, designed by Henri Fish, to deciding the order his paintings should be displayed in.

The museum was initially inaugurated with the title ‘Chagall Biblical Message Museum’ because of the paintings focussed on religious themes and spiritual inspiration that the artist donated for this museum and due to the fact that each year an exhibition is held in this museum based on a theme inspired by international religion.

The collection has grown greatly over the years thanks to extra acquisitions adding onto the Chagall collection that includes his paintings, stained glass, sculptures, drawings and more.

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Musée National Marc Chagall

Musée National Marc Chagall



Recensioni Musée National Marc Chagall

Joke, 29 ago 2021