Nat Geo Day Tour: Exploring Antalya's Nomadic Culture
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Nat Geo Day Tour: Exploring Antalya's Nomadic Culture

Basato su 3 recensioni
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Lingua: Tedesco , Inglese
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Durata: da 4 ore a 8 ore
Cosa farai
  • Embark on a special tour curated by National Geographic, offering a fresh itinerary and the exclusive chance to meet nomadic families and learn about their lifestyles.
  • Discover significant cultural landmarks like the Seljuk bridge, the 13th-century Kargıhan caravanserai, and the 'button houses' of Ormana each telling their own piece of history.
  • Immerse yourself in the Yörük's nomadic community and embrace their ancient lifestyle. Connect with locals who embody the spirit of Turkey's earliest settlers, tracing back to the 11th century.
Cosa aspettarsi

The foothills of the Taurus mountains have been a region of travel and trade for millennia. On this National Geographic tour, you'll embrace the region's ancient traditions that are still thriving today and immerse yourself in the nomadic lifestyle by visiting a Yörük family.

Head over to the Seljuk bridge at Aspendos with your guide who will reveal alluring facts about the site. Built around the 4th century on the banks of Köprüçay, this architectural marvel is renowned for its distinctive zigzag design, a testament to its intriguing history.

Continue your voyage and head over to the 13th-century Kargıhan caravanserai, where much of its original layout remains remarkably intact. Step back in time as you wander through the inn's chambers, guardian's quarters, bathhouse, and prayer hall alongside your guide. This is a place that radiates history, where countless travelers sought refuge and replenishment.

The Yörük people have perfected their nomadic lifestyle for centuries. Every spring, communities migrate with their herds from the gentle coastal plains to the mountainous summer pastures. Spend time with a Yörük family and learn about their sustainable ways of life.

Tuck into a tasty meal with eye-catching views of the Taurus mountains. Nearby, you'll find a spot to purchase locally-made goods like soaps, teas, oils, and more. Proceeds support communities affected by recent earthquakes or forest fires.

Finally, Explore Ormana, an Ottoman village famous for its ingeniously crafted 'button houses'.

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Cosa è incluso
  • check Guide
  • check Transport
  • check Lunch
  • check Glass of local ayran (yogurt drink) or çay (Turkish tea)
Da ricordare
  • Bring suitable footwear
  • Bring money for extras or gratuities
  • Please note that all times are approximate and subject to change
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Basato su 3 recensioni di clienti verificati


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Value for money


  • Familie B

    Da Germania - giugno 2024

    Viaggio di famiglia


    25 - 34 anni


    Valutazione complessiva


    Der englischsprachige Guide war außergewöhnlich gut

  • Jeffrey

    Da Stati Uniti d'America - maggio 2024

    Viaggio di coppia


    18 - 24 anni


    Valutazione complessiva


    Dit was onze beste excursie ooit de gids was super vriendelijk en wist heel veel te vertellen. hij vertelde heel goed onderweg verhalen die dan uitein ...

  • Jeremy

    Da Regno Unito - maggio 2024

    Viaggio di coppia


    45 - 54 anni


    Valutazione complessiva


    The whole adventure was fantastic it was 1 to 1 we were the only ones on it so we had the total attention of the guide who was fantastic, the driver a ...

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Nat Geo Day Tour: Exploring Antalya's Nomadic Culture
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Nat Geo Day Tour: Exploring Antalya's Nomadic Culture

The foothills of the Taurus mountains have been a region of travel and trade for millennia. On this National Geographic tour, you'll embrace the region's ancient traditions that are still thriving today and immerse yourself in the nomadic lifestyle by visiting a Yörük family. Head over to the Seljuk bridge at Aspendos with your guide who will reveal alluring facts about the site. Built around the 4th century on the banks of Köprüçay, this architectural marvel is renowned for its distinctive zigzag design, a testament to its intriguing history. Continue your voyage and head over to the 13th-century Kargıhan caravanserai, where much of its original layout remains remarkably intact. Step back in time as you wander through the inn's chambers, guardian's quarters, bathhouse, and prayer hall alongside your guide. This is a place that radiates history, where countless travelers sought refuge and replenishment. The Yörük people have perfected their nomadic lifestyle for centuries. Every spring, communities migrate with their herds from the gentle coastal plains to the mountainous summer pastures. Spend time with a Yörük family and learn about their sustainable ways of life. Tuck into a tasty meal with eye-catching views of the Taurus mountains. Nearby, you'll find a spot to purchase locally-made goods like soaps, teas, oils, and more. Proceeds support communities affected by recent earthquakes or forest fires. Finally, Explore Ormana, an Ottoman village famous for its ingeniously crafted 'button houses'.

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Nat Geo Day Tour : Les femmes d'Antalya, d'hier à aujourd'hui

Il y a près de deux millénaires, Plancia Magna ouvrait la voie avec un impact impressionnant sur la ville de Perge, malgré le rôle de soumission habituel des femmes à cette époque. Née dans une famille aisée et puissante, elle a su utiliser sa position privilégiée au profit de sa ville au lieu de choisir de mener une vie facile. Son courage, son indépendance et son caractère, reconnus bien après son époque, ont incité les femmes à travers les âges à aspirer à des rôles influents dans la société. Formé au National Geographic, votre guide vous fera découvrir l'ancienne cité de Perge en mettant l'accent sur la vie et l'héritage de Plancia Magna, une figure inspirante encore aujourd'hui. Plancia a peut-être été une source d'inspiration pour Hatice Adıgüzel, dont vous visiterez ensuite l'atelier pour découvrir les compétences et l'art nécessaires à la création de lampes et d'ornements de jardin à partir de calebasses. Vous apprendrez d'Hatice elle-même que ce qui distingue son entreprise, c'est son leadership au sein d'une main-d'œuvre dominée par les hommes, son engagement en faveur de l'autonomisation des femmes et son choix de l'emploi de matériaux durables. De plus, un atelier pratique vous proposera de créer votre propre petite calebasse décorative et d'en apprendre davantage sur le travail d'Hatice avec la communauté féminine locale. Hatice rétribue son succès en employant des femmes qui cultivent et décorent chez elles les calebasses pour l'entreprise. Elles préparent également les en-cas que vous dégusterez pendant l'atelier. Ce projet vise à aider les femmes qui ne sont pas en mesure d'occuper un emploi régulier en raison d'obligations de garde d'enfants ou d'autres contraintes similaires, en leur offrant un moyen pratique de gagner de l'argent.

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Green Canyon Boat Cruise with Lunch and Orange Grove Visit

The star attractions of this full day excursion are orange orchards, shopping and a beautiful, wild canyon. You'll taste fresh orange juice, enjoy a canyon boat trip and stop for a swim at Oymapinar Dam Lake. Narin, one of our expert local guides, says, ‘Oymapinar Dam Lake is one of the largest reservoirs in Turkey, covering an area of approximately 19 square kilometres. The lake is fed by the Manavgat River, which flows south from the Taurus Mountains and eventually empties into the Mediterranean Sea at Side.' Your morning starts with a quick visit to a fruit garden for some freshly squeezed orange juice. We'll then call in for a spot of shopping at Dickman Textile Centre. If fashion is your thing, then you're in luck as you can enjoy a stress-free browse for clothing and accessories without the hassle of pushy salespeople. Next, we'll head for a riverside restaurant to enjoy a freshly prepared lunch made with locally sourced ingredients. After lunch it's all aboard, ready for a cruise down the canyon waterway. Spectacularly rugged rock formations tower around you and the river, in shades of turquoise and green, snakes away into the distance. It's a tranquil slice of Turkish natural beauty and the colour of the water is spellbinding. You'll cruise the canyon, admiring the views, before the boat slows - you'll be able to swim in these wild surroundings once the boat reaches the Oymapinar Lake.

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Phaselis & Tahtali Mountain Day Tour

Phaselis & Tahtali Mountain Day Tour

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Gulet Cruise with Lunch from Side
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Gulet Cruise with Lunch from Side

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