ABBA-Themed Brunch with Live Performances and Drinks

ABBA-Themed Brunch with Live Performances and Drinks

Mobile voucher accepted
Validity: Flexible
Why you’ll love this…
  • Live ABBA duo performing iconic hits and 70s/80s disco anthems
  • 60 minutes of bottomless drinks and a delicious brunch spread
  • You can dress to impress in your best 70s disco-inspired outfit
What to expect

Prepare to exclaim "Mamma Mia!" and demand "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!" as you enter the ultimate retro ABBA-themed celebration.

Embrace your inner Dancing Queen with live tribute performances, a dance floor brimming with classic party tunes. Adorn yourself in your most flamboyant 70s/80s attire, indulge in refreshing beverages, and belt out timeless classics such as Waterloo, Chiquitita, and Super Trouper.

This is your opportunity to seize the day at the most spectacular bash of the year—don’t let it pass you by!

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What's included
  • check Food and drinks
  • check Live music

67 Queens Road, Triangle West, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1QL, UK

Meeting point:
The brunch will be hostes in Lola Lo's.
What to remember

Know in advance:

  • Bottomless drinks will be available from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
  • Entertainment from will be available12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
  • The minimum age to attend this activity is 18
  • You will seat in shared table, groups may be seated together
  • The brunch includes a meal choice, 60 minutes of bottomless cocktails, and reserved seating

Remember to bring:

  • The encouraged dress code is 70s disco attire
  • A valid ID
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Fever Labs Inc
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Unfortunately, we can't offer you a refund nor can we change or cancel your booking for this particular product, due to our partner's policy.

What people say about this experience

At the moment there are no reviews for this experience.

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