Aerospace Bristol entrance ticket

Aerospace Bristol entrance ticket

Based on 3 reviews
Free cancellation
Mobile voucher accepted
Validity: Flexible
Why you’ll love this…
  • Step aboard the last ever supersonic Concorde jet to fly
  • Journey through 100 years of aviation history at the museum
  • Enjoy audio-visual shows, interactive exhibits and much more!
What to expect

Visit Aerospace Bristol and journey through over a century of aviation history discovering aeroplanes, helicopters, engines, space technology and more!

You'll have the chance to step aboard the world's fastest passenger jet, Concorde Alpha Foxtrot, the last of the supersonic jets ever to be built and fly! Glimpse into the cockpit and walk through the passenger cabin to see how Concorde passengers would travel in style.

Aerospace Bristol offers a fun family day out for all ages with interactive exhibits, children's trails and a stunning audio-visual show projected onto the outside of the iconic Concorde. Don't miss out!

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What's included
  • check Entrance fees

Aerospace Bristol, Hayes Way, Patchway, BS34 5BZ

What to remember
  • Aerospace Bristol is open from 10.00am to 4.30pm with last entry at 2.00pm
  • Please note that this ticket is not refundable but can be used on a different day
  • Students must present a valid student ID card
  • Dedicated carers (accompanying a paying visitor who is disabled) are entitled to free entry. Carer tickets are not available to order online. On arrival, please go straight to the admission desk and a member of the admission team will be able to assist you
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Aerospace Bristol
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 1 day before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience



Based on 3 reviews from verified customers

  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - August 2024


    Overall rated


  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - March 2023


    Overall rated


  • Anonymous

    From Spain - August 2022


    Overall rated


    Il museo fantastico ma il prezzo offerto da musement era più alto di quello offerto agli sportelli

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