Loro Parque tickets with lunch at Brunelli's restaurant
Tickets and events

Loro Parque tickets with lunch at Brunelli's restaurant

Based on 6 reviews
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Mobile voucher accepted
Validity: Flexible
Why you’ll love this…
  • Visit one of the world's most important zoological gardens
  • Admire the incredible natural wildlife of Loro Parque
  • Enjoy a gourmet lunch at the Brunelli's restaurant
What to expect

Visit Loro Parque, one of the most famous zoological gardens of the world. This park is an incredible experience for all the family and will allow you to see an incredible variety of animals and wildlife from all over the world. Loro Parque includes different areas and exhibitions, with natural wildlife from all over the world and with a particular attention to recreating the natural environment for the animals. The park was initially conceived as a paradise for parrots and has developed over the years into one of the biggest attractions of the Canary Islands, with over 40 million visitors and counting.

You’ll also enjoy a spectacular lunch at Brunelli's Steakhouse, a beautiful restaurant with a spectacular view of the ocean: this restaurant offers a wide variety of meat dishes, cooked in a juicy and tasty way, all in a classy environment adapt for the whole family.

Loro Parque Exhibitions


The exhibition contains an area of 500m² and 65,000 liters of sea water, of which 25,000 liters are meant for the aquariums and the breeding area of the jellyfish. The other 40,000 liters go into an aquarium made for beautiful blacktip reef sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks and hundreds of colorful tropical fish.

Zen Garden

This new exhibition takes visitors on a journey to the majestic mountain ranges of Asia. It is the first garden of its kind to be built ever, and the sensations it evokes remind us of Atlantis, the famous submerged city.

Porcelain Parrot Museum

This unique museum brings together a collection of works of art made by the great masters of porcelainware over the last three centuries.


Here you can appreciate the beauty of over 200 species of orchids. Embrace the sweet fragrance while watching the wealth of shapes and colors that these beautiful flowers make.

Coral Kingdom

In March 2024, the park reached new heights with the grand inauguration of its latest and most impressive attraction – the Coral Kingdom. This groundbreaking addition stands as the largest man-made coral reef outside of the ocean and has garnered immense success since its unveiling. Corals are one of the most endangered species on our planet and Loro Parque integrates them into its conservation programs.

Nestled within the park's carefully designed spaces tailored for each species, the Coral Kingdom offers visitors a unique journey into the underwater realm. As you wander through the Animal Embassy, you'll find yourself immersed in the vibrant world of a vast parrot reserve showcasing species from around the globe.


The perfect place for the kids! Suspended bridges from trees, small and large, are waiting to be crossed and climbed. Try the slithery-snake tunnel slide. To add to the excitement, the Kinderlandia fairy is always nearby with games, face-painting, music and fun.

Katandra Treetops

Katandra, in the native language of the Australian Aborigines, means 'song of the birds' and Treetops, of course, refers to the uppermost part of the forest. Loro Parque invites you to experience a veritable symphony of sounds from the beautiful birds of Australia and Asia. This is a huge and spectacular attraction where hundreds of colorful birds of different species are just waiting to surprise you with their charm!

Planet Penguin

Discover the Antarctic and feel the polar climate in the world's largest penguinarium!


The Loro Parque Aquarium consists of twelve different thematic exhibitions with a total of 1,200,000 liters of water. All the water that feeds the marine aquariums is obtained directly from the Atlantic Ocean, on the coast located just 150 meters away from the park.

Baby Station

This is the zone located inside Animal Embassy that shows visitors how to care for baby parrots and other chicks that hatch in the ZOO.

Jungle Ara

Welcome to the oldest part of Loro Parque. This area surprises visitors with its lush and leafy vegetation. Ficus, ivy, palms and many other species of trees make this place a true oasis for relaxation and connection with nature.

Pueblo Thai

Did you know that the largest Thai village outside Thailand is in Tenerife? The Thai Village, the first amazing structure you will see on entering the park, has been meticulously constructed to the very last detail to give visitors the warmest of welcomes and to sweep you away to exotic, oriental places.

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What's included
  • check Entrance to Loro Parque
  • check Animal shows and park exhibitions
  • check Lunch at Brunelli's steakhouse
What's not included
  • x_not_included Additional food and drinks
  • x_not_included Transfer

Av. Loro Parque, s/n, 38400 Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

What to remember
  • In order to avoid lines, please arrive at the shows well in advance of the scheduled starting times
  • The menu of Brunell's includes:
    Adult: Brunelli's salada, Rib steak (300gr)+ Side (potatoes or vegetables), cheesecake and drink
    Child: Choose one between Spaghetti with tomato sauce, Chicken nuggets with fries, Escalope with fries + Ice cream and drinks
  • Loro Parque may request any document which clearly indicates the user’s identity, age and residence on the Canary Islands
Read more
Loro Parque s.a.
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 24 hours before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience



Based on 6 reviews from verified customers


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Value for money




  • Simone

    From Germany - September 2024

    Travelled as a couple


    25 - 34 years old


    Overall rated


    Diese Tickets beinhalten nur den Eintritt in den Park, sowie das Mittagessen bei Brunellis. Dieses findet zum angegebenen Zeitpunkt statt. Es gibt kei ...

  • Eric

    From United States of America - November 2023

    Travelled with family


    18 - 24 years old


    Overall rated


    Der Loro Park ist wunderbar, ihn muss man einfach gesehen haben. Das Restaurant beeindruckt mit einer hervorragenden Aussicht, tollen Mitarbeitern und ...

  • Asmal

    From United States of America - August 2023

    Travelled with family


    18 - 24 years old


    Overall rated


    Excellente expérience, le parc est tout simplement magnifique et les informations sur les efforts de préservation des espèces bien mises en avant. Il ...

  • Veerle

    From United States of America - August 2023

    Travelled as a couple


    35 - 44 years old


    Overall rated


    Alles verliep perfect. Mooi park. Heel lekker en sfeervol geluncht in het prachtig restaurant Brunellis steak house , zeer vriendelijk personeel. Mooi ...

  • Mattias

    From Switzerland - June 2023

    Travelled as a couple


    18 - 24 years old


    Overall rated


  • Christian und Janina

    From Germany - October 2022

    Travelled as a couple


    25 - 34 years old


    Overall rated


    Mit ganz einfachen Worten. Es wa einfach nur der absolute Wahnsinn. Der Tourgide war echt klasse, nimmt sich Zeit für fragen und gestaltet die Tour au ...

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